
Here are pictures I took of my family members when they weren't expecting it.


Picture Temperarily Unavailable

This is Melissa. She's 26. She used to be a teacher for Children's World and likes to take care of children. Now she's a teacher at some school. She also likes to play Rook (sp?) and watch Avalanche games.

***More Coming Soon***



This is my nephew, Taro Kaelix.  He's my sweety.   Taro was born on January 21, 2001.



Sheri is 21.  She likes to flirt, eat chips and chease, and go out with friends.  She also likes to sing (which she does ALL the time.)   Don't ask me what she is doing in this picture.


Jason (left), Scott (right)

These are two of my younger brothers. (Scott didn't want his picture on my site, so I pixalized him.) Jason is 17 and Scott is 15. Jason likes to play video games, learn html, and make websites. Scotty likes to play football and video games. They were playing a video games when I took this picture.



This is Anwyn Marie, my niece. 
She's my little Pooh Bear. 
Anwyn was born on May 11, 2002.

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